Le jeu de rôle dans l'enseignement supérieur pour développer l'autonomie et la motivation des étudiants


Computer science is a demanding discipline on many levels, and its teaching has raised many questions in the field of pedagogy. When, in addition to disciplinary difficulties, there are even more complex elements such as the heterogeneity of a group of students (different skill levels, different training and professional backgrounds, different ethnic and cultural origins), the expectations of teachers and students are necessarily challenged. This article proposes the evaluation of a pedagogical device using role-playing games which aims to take into account the difficulties linked to the otherness of the students and to allow them to overcome them in a playful and motivating way, taking into account the specificities of each one within the group.

Les Annales De QPES , 1(4)


  • Les résultats complets du questionnaire
  • Le guide de l’enseignant pour la conduite du jeu de rôle.